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In its resolution of 14 March 2018 “Preparing Parliament’s position on the Multiannual Financial Framework for the period after 2020, the European Parliament approved a number of indications with particular reference to the EU’s external action concerning third countries interested in migratory flows, including a significant increase in appropriations, inter alia with reference to neighborhood and development policies.

The aforementioned EU Multiannual Financial Framework proposal for the period 2021-2027 includes, inter alia, a neighborhood instrument, development cooperation and international cooperation (NDCI) endowed with 89.5 billion euros for the period 2021- 2027 at current prices (that is, which take into account an inflation rate of 2 percent per year), reserved as a priority for Africa and neighboring countries.

According to the proposal, at least 32 billion euros would go to sub-Saharan Africa, while 10.2 billion euros would constitute the reserve for emerging challenges and priorities (such as those at the borders of the Union or neighboring countries, linked to situations of crisis and post-crisis or migratory pressure).

On 27 March 2019, the European Parliament approved the aforementioned instrument at first reading, increasing the overall budget to 93.154 billion euros at current prices (around 4 billion more than the European Commission proposal). The European Parliament has also enhanced the resources to be allocated to sub-Saharan Africa, bringing them to 34.711 billion euros in current prices.
The European Parliament has also provided for the total or partial suspension of EU support for countries that are unable to observe the principles of democracy, peace and security, the rule of law and respect for human rights. On 14 June, the EU Council gave a partial mandate from the Presidency to negotiate with Parliament with a view to approving a shared text.

With the September 2018 communication on “a new Africa – Europe alliance for sustainable investment and jobs: moving our investment and employment partnership forward”, the European Commission has proposed a series of initiatives aimed at to promote entrepreneurship, education and training, as well as economic integration (in particular, in terms of free trade) in the African continent.

In June 2018, the High Representative, with the support of the Commission, proposed to establish the European Peace Facility, endowed with 10.5 billion euros for the period 2021-2027, in order to further strengthen EU collaboration. with Africa to guarantee peace, security and stability throughout the African continent, which are crucial elements for economic development.

Starting in the second quarter of 2016, the European Union focused its efforts on the situation of migrants in Libya, including, inter alia, measures aimed at supporting the local Libyan communities interested in the flows, and improving conditions reception facilities for migrants and asylum seekers. A total of 338 million euros are committed by the EU for projects in Libya; in particular, only within the EU Trust fund for Africa, resources (318 million euros) are divided into 8 programs concerning: protection and assistance for migrants and refugees (134.7 million); stabilization of local communities (92); border management (91.3).
Furthermore, in the framework of the African Union – EU – United Nations trilateral task force (launched in November 2017), initiatives were undertaken with the aim of improving the humanitarian situation of migrants with the involvement of the main international bodies (the UNHCR and the ‘IOM), and to strengthen assisted resettlement and voluntary repatriation and reintegration in the countries of origin.

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Bandi dei Paesi Europei : scegli la categoria (Paese)

Vocabolario Appalti Pubblici (Tenders Electronic Daily)

La Gazzetta ufficiale dell’Unione europea, attraverso il sito  TED (Tenders Electronic Daily) pubblica 520 000 avvisi di appalti pubblici all’anno, compresi 210 000 bandi di gara per un valore pari all’incirca a 420 miliardi di euro in 24 lingue.

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Critical Reading


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